New Zealand Certificate in Adult and Tertiary Teaching (Level 5)

New Zealand Certificate in Adult and Tertiary Teaching (Level 5)

New Zealand Certificate in Adult and Tertiary Teaching (Level 5)

Progress your career in adult and tertiary teaching with the New Zealand Certificate in Adult and Tertiary Teaching (Level 5). Learn the skills and capabilities to provide high quality, contemporary and culturally appropriate teaching and learning in a range of teaching or training contexts.

This qualification represents the expected sector baseline qualification for a professional adult and tertiary teaching practitioner.

Key Details
SIT2LRN Distance Learning

18 weeks full time

Up to 5 years part-time

Intakes are 18 weeks long

Study Modes:
Distance Learning

2025 Intake 3: 09 June to 03 October - Applications Close 26 May 2025

2025 Intake 4: 28 July to 21 November - Applications Close 14 July 2025


SIT Zero Fees Scheme

  • Tuition Fee: $0   Check eligibility
  • Direct material Cost: $7.00 per credit (incl GST)


International Fees

$12500 for full programme.


Unsure which one is for me? Check Fees Eligibility Check my options


This qualification is intended for individuals aspiring to or engaged in a career in adult, tertiary or vocational teaching or training who have a qualification or equivalent experience in their trade, vocation or other primary discipline.  It represents the expected sector baseline qualification for a professional adult and tertiary teaching practitioner.

Graduates of this qualification have the skills and capabilities to provide high quality, contemporary and culturally appropriate teaching and learning in a range of teaching or training contexts.

By the end of the program, you'll be able to:

  • Design learning that is pedagogically and culturally appropriate to meet specified learning outcomes in diverse contexts.
  • Facilitate quality learner-centred teaching that represents the mana and diverse cultural backgrounds of adult learners, and the wider educational and societal context.
  • Use a range of facilitation and teaching strategies, including technology-enhanced teaching and learning.
  • Embed literacy and numeracy skills appropriate to the demands of the programme and needs of the learners.
  • Enhance learning through the application of a range of assessment, feedback, and moderation practices.
  • Evaluate own professional practice and develop and implement plans to improve it.

Note: This qualification has now moved to Version 2.

For new students to this programme of study:

You will need to complete all four CVTT courses (60 credits) – details in the ‘Course Content’ tab.

For returning students who have previously completed units towards this qualification:

You will be enrolling in the new version of this qualification for 2024, however, your previous study may be credited towards this version. Please see the table below and course information under the “Course Content’ tab before selecting courses.

Version 1 (2020-2023) Version 2 (2024)

7093 v.5 Plan for delivery of learning sessions for adults (10 cr)

plus 10 credits from either of the following:

7100 v.5 Plan, organise, and review learning events for adult education and training (10 cr) or

7097 v.6 Facilitate learner-led interactive learning sessions for adult learners (12 cr)

CVTT521 Learner Centred Practice (20 cr)

7097 v.6 Facilitate learner-led interactive learning sessions for adult learners (12 cr)

or a minimum of 10 credits from either of the following:

7091 v.6 Establish a culturally safe and inclusive learning environment for adults in New Zealand’s cultural setting (4 cr)

20469 v.4 Evaluate adult learning sessions (8 cr)

CVTT522 Teaching Approaches for Learner Success (10 cr)

11551 v.6 Quality assure assessment (10 cr)

plus 5 credits from either of the following:

11552 v.6 Design and evaluate assessment materials (10 cr)

20469 Evaluate adult learning sessions (8 cr)

CVTT523 Assessment and Moderation (15 cr)

No equitable units

However, 7110 v.5 Critically evaluate and improve own professional knowledge and practice in adult education and training (8 cr) can be considered as part of Recognition of Prior Learning, if remaining evidence is submitted to meet LO2 of CVTT524.

LO2: Design and facilitate pedagogically appropriate teaching and learning that embeds literacy and numeracy skills to meet the needs of diverse learner groups.

CVTT524 Perspectives on Teaching and Learning (15 cr)


If you are an existing student and have any questions regarding transition to Version 2 or the Recognition of Prior Learning process, please contact the Programme Operations Manager, Melissa James.

All four courses below are compulsory and should ideally be completed in the order listed.

CVTT521 Learner centred practice (20 credits)

This course introduces you to the strategies which promote awareness of, and respect for, cultural diversity and literacy needs in adult education in Aotearoa New Zealand. You will learn to design and implement learner-centred activities and evaluate learning and teaching strategies to improve practice, enabling you to be an effective facilitator of learning in your teaching context.

Note: CVTT521 is also part of the NZ Certificate in Adult Literacy and Numeracy Education (Vocational/Workplace) (Level 5) qualification. You would need to complete one further (20 credit) course to gain this qualification.  

CVTT522 Teaching approaches for learner success (10 credits)

This course enables you to consider and incorporate a variety of teaching and learning approaches tailored to your specific Aotearoa New Zealand context, and how to assess the effectiveness of these approaches and strategies. Leveraging learning technologies and fostering inclusive feedback mechanisms, you will learn to design teaching that ensures optimal learning experiences for learners of varying abilities, and promoting continuous growth and engagement within diverse adult educational settings.

CVTT523 Assessment and moderation (15 credits)

This course will enable you to evaluate and improve assessment design and assessment practices within your Aotearoa New Zealand context, including moderation process, providing feedback, and consideration of assessment constructive alignment.  

CVTT524 Perspectives on teaching & learning (15 credits)

In this course you will learn to evaluate personal and professional influences that foster a professional identity rooted in reflective practice and continuous growth. You will also learn how to integrate diverse frameworks that embed essential literacy and numeracy skills across varied Aotearoa New Zealand contexts, and embrace the principles of universal design for learning to tailor your teaching methods to accommodate diverse learners.

Note: This qualification has now moved to Version 2. If you are an existing student and have any questions regarding transitioning from Version 1, please contact the Programme Operations Manager, Melissa James.

Graduates of this qualification may work in roles such as:

  • community, vocational or workplace educator
  • academic staff, tutor or facilitator
  • training, education or learning advisor 

Applicants for this programme of study must have access to adult learners (e.g. over the age of 18) over the duration of the programme of study in order to enable them to undertake learning and reflection in an authentic setting.

General Admission
Applicants should be a minimum of 16 years of age and must have attained either:

  • NCEA Level 2
  • A relevant qualification at NZQF Level 2 or above, or a recognised equivalent.

Any ākonga who do not meet the above criteria may be eligible for consideration for Discretionary Admission. In assessing whether to grant Discretionary Admission, the focus is on the applicant’s level of preparedness for their intended programme.

English Language Requirements

All applicants (international and domestic) for whom English is not a first language need to provide evidence that they have the necessary English language proficiency required for the programme.

International applicants are required to have an IELTS score of 5.5 (general or academic) with no individual band lower than 5 from one test taken in the preceding two years, or an equivalent described in NZQA Rules:

Ākonga who have achieved NCEA Level 3 University Entrance requirements are not required to provide evidence of English language skills.

International applicants should contact the SIT International team for advice.

Suggested study path / combinations

Part time study: The number of courses selected per intake will depend on your work, family, and other commitments. It is recommended that you complete study in alternate intakes. It is advisable to complete the courses in the order they are listed on the website. 

Full time study: This is completing all courses (60 credits) over one intake. Full time acceptance into the programme is at the Programme Manager's discretion. Some courses may have weekly assessment  or other engagement requirements, therefore, part time study is recommended, even for students working less than 20 hours per week.

Additional information

  • As a guideline, one credit equates to approximately 10 hours study within an intake period. Click HERE to download a Study Load Calculator (spreadsheet)
  • All courses selected within a particular intake must be completed within that intake unless a transfer is requested (conditions apply; see FAQs)
  • Online enrolments are on a year by year basis and students are welcome to apply for multiple intakes in one enrolment.  Further enrolment is the responsibility of individual students.  There is no automatic enrolment rollover.

Assessments for this programme typically include written reports, preparation and delivery of learning sessions to adult learners, and discussion board postings. There are no exams for this programme.

All SIT2LRN courses require you to have a computer and Internet access. Students are required to use their SIT webmail only for all SIT2LRN communications. All course materials and information, including assessments and due dates, are located on the online Blackboard system and you will have access to this from the Intake start date. However, once you have been accepted into a programme you will receive an Important Information Booklet that includes information to familiarise yourself with our online Blackboard learning environment.

Facilitator Assistance - During the enrolled intake period, students have email access to facilitators, who endeavour to respond to all emails within 48 hours (weekdays only). All students are required, within the first two weeks of an intake, to send an email to their facilitator confirming their start on the programme of study. Students who have not emailed their facilitator or embarked upon their course of study by the end of the 2nd week of an intake, will be Faculty Withdrawn from the programme. Such withdrawals may impact on future access to SIT Zero Fees Scheme and Student Direct Material Costs are still liable for payment.

You can view and download a copy of your Academic Transcript any time from the MySIT page (under My Courses). Please note that it may take up to 6 weeks from the end of an intake for grades to show here.

We recommend students new to SIT2LRN read through the Frequently Asked Questions section of our website for further study and enrolment information.

Please use the following checklist to ensure that all relevant information and documentation has been included. Remember, your application will be assessed based on the information that you provide us with. Processing of your application will be delayed if we need to come back to you for missing information.

  • I have read all sections of the programme information on this page
  • I have read the SIT2LRN Frequently Asked Questions section
  • I have met all admission criteria for the programme (found under "Application Criteria")
  • I have read the outline for all individual units (found under "Course Content")
  • I have selected the units I wish to study in each intake(s), and I have selected alternate intakes rather than overlapping intakes (eg., Intakes 1 & 3 or 2 & 4 etc.)
  • I confirm I have approval from my employer/organisation/a tertiary education provider to access adult learners for teaching, assessment, and evaluation purposes for the duration of my studies.
  • I know my intended payment method
  • If my organisation/company is paying for my studies, I have a completed and approved purchase order to attach to my online application. I am aware that should my organisation or company not pay my fees, these will become my responsibility
  • I have completed and attached a cross credit form (if applying for a cross credit)
  • New students - I have provided an active NSN in the name I am enrolling in or I have verified ID and will attach it to my online application
  • New students - I will attach academic documentation (NZQA record of achievement/academic transcripts/certificates). These do not need to be verified. (If you do not have any academic documentation to support your application, please attach a comprehensive CV outlining your education and work experience)
  • I have computer access, an Internet connection and access to software to create electronic documents eg Microsoft Word or Open Office

What is the Zero Fees Scheme?

The Zero Fees Scheme means we do not charge tuition fees. However, there is a Student Direct Material Cost that you need to pay and a non-refundable administration cost. The administration cost is for processing your application and the Student Direct Material Cost gives you secure access to Blackboard our online learning environment and to student support services throughout your study with us.

Who qualifies for the Zero Fees Scheme?

  • A New Zealand citizen completing the full qualification or
  • An Australian citizen/New Zealand Resident or Permanent Resident who will be residing in New Zealand for the duration of your enrolment.

Instructions to help you with your application:

  1. Read the Programme Information on this page and the SIT2LRN Frequently Asked Questions and find out if you meet the application criteria for both the programme and the unit/s you wish to study.
  2. Check your eligibility for Zero Fees. If you are not eligible to study under this scheme, please call 0800 748 257 for further options.
  3. Complete your online enrolment checking that:

If you are a new student ...

  • Provide an active NSN number in the name you are enrolling in (contact NZQA on 0800 697 296 to get your NSN number if you do not know it)
  • If you do not have an active NSN, then attach a copy of your verified ID in the name you are enrolling in - a copy of either your birth certificate AND (marriage certificate if applicable or passport which has been stamped and signed by any one of the following: JP, Barrister, Court Deputy Registrar, Member of Parliament, Land Transport NZ, Public Trust, member of the New Zealand Police, School Principal, Minister of Religion or GP.
  • If you are a Resident or Permanent resident of NZ, please provide a copy of proof of residency;
  • Attach all academic documentation to support your application including copies of any certificates of courses you have undertaken / NZQA record of achievement / transcripts / CV;

Attach supporting documents as required and outlined above.

  1. Please check that you have included all the required information and supporting documents.  Your application will be assessed based on the information that you provide. Missing information will delay the processing of your application
  2. Please scan and email all additional documentation to

What happens next?

  • You will receive an automatic email confirmation when we receive your online application. Processing may take up to three weeks. However, we will get in touch with you sooner if we require further documentation.
  • Once your application has been accepted you will be sent a conditional offer of acceptance with an invoice and instructions on how to make payment.
  • Once we have received your payment (or if you have opted to pay by Credit Card, Student Loan or Purchase Order) you will be sent an Enrolment Confirmation Letter and Important Information Booklet. Closer to the start of the intake you will receive a Time To Get Started Letter which will give you all the necessary information, tools and guidance to start your study with us.

To satisfactorily complete the New Zealand Certificate in Adult Tertiary Teaching (Level 5) and be awarded this qualification, the student must successfully achieve:

  • A minimum of 60 credits in accordance with the programme schedule for the New Zealand Certificate in Adult Tertiary Teaching (Level 5)
  • The student will normally be expected to complete the New Zealand Certificate in Adult and Tertiary Teaching (Level 5) full-time over six months or part-time over five years.

Please Note: Students failing to engage in study as per programme requirements may forfeit Zero Fees entitlement.

This qualification may lead to Level 5 and above qualifications in adult and tertiary teaching. This may include:

Suggested Courses